CIMS Lecture: Behind the Tophet: Theologies of Infanticide

When and Where

Thursday, April 07, 2022 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Online via Zoom


Baruch Halpern


Behind the Tophet: Theologies of Infanticide

by Dr. Baruch Halpern, Covenant Foundation Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion, Faculties of Linguistics and Archaeological Science, University of Georgia 

Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies (CIMS) is hostig a piiblic lecture, presented by Dr. Baruch Halpern on April 7, 2022.

Data that elucidates the practice of child sacrifice in the ancient Mediterranean world include the literary relation of legendary instances, myth, foreigners' descriptions and occasional references to the living practice from Late Bronze Hatti forward. Extensive archaeological manifestation, with an accompanying trove of physical evidence and formulaic inscriptions, has made the practice, if anything, even more inscrutable. Against that background, this lecture takes this occasion to explore both some scholarly explanations of the practice and what seem the most fruitful approaches to it for the future.

Zoom link to join (no passcode should be required):

* All lectures are open to the public and free of charge.

For more information about upcoming lectures, please visit the CIMS website at