NMC Program Requirements

NMC Specialist Programs (Arts Program)

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (General) (Arts Program) - ASSPE1019
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (Ancient) (Arts Program) - ASSPE2665
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (Medieval) (Arts Program) - ASSPE2667
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (Modern) (Arts Program) - ASSPE2669

NMC Major Programs (Arts Program)

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (General) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1019
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (Ancient) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2665
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (Medieval) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2667
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (Modern) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2669

NMC Minor Program (Arts Program)

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1019

* For detailed information about each program, please refer to the Arts & Science Calendar - Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations.

Equivalent Courses for NMC Programs

Specialist Programs (ASSPE1019, ASSPE2665, ASSPE2667, ASSPE2669)

Up to 2.0 credits may be taken from courses offered by other departments, pending approval by the Associate Chair Undergraduate of NMC.

Major Programs (ASMAJ1019, ASMAJ2665, ASMAJ2667, ASMAJ2669)

Up to 1.0 credit may be taken from courses offered by other departments, pending approval by the Associate Chair Undergraduate of NMC.

Minor Program (ASMIN1019)
  • All 4.0 credits MUST be NMC and/or NML courses

* Please reach out to the NMC Undergraduate Office at nmc.undergrad@utoronto.ca to obtain approval for equivalent courses.

Courses offered by other departments (e.g., Art History, Anthropology, History, Religion) that are directly relevant to the study of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations may be accepted for credit toward NMC specialist and major programs.

As these courses are subject to change from year to year, please contact the Associate Chair, Undergraduate, at nmc.undergrad@utoronto.ca to determine whether a particular course qualifies.