General information about available undegradaute scholarships, prizes and awards can be found through the Awards Explorer.
The Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations currently offers five undergraduate awards.
NMC Scholarships, Prizes & Awards:
Awarded to an outstanding student in the Specialist program in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations based on performance in 3rd year. Preference will be given to students with the most full course equivalents in the following areas of study: 1) Assyriology 2) Ancient Syria-Palestine 3) Egyptology. If there is no suitable candidate, to be awarded to an outstanding student in the Major program in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations who has taken at least two full course equivalents in Biblical Hebrew.
Application required: No.
Citizenship: Domestic; International.
Awarded to an undergraduate/graduate student(s) enrolled in a program offered by the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations and engaged in Turkish studies or Turkey-related activities. Recipients may be enrolled in Turkish language, culture or history courses; pursuing research related to Turkey; and/or aiming to carrying out studies or training in Turkey. The scholarship will be awarded based on merit and financial need to Ontario residents.
Application required: Yes
Citizenship: Domestic.
Awarded to a Specialist or Major in a program in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, who is involved in extra-curricular activities related to the interests of the Department, and who has completed at least ten full course equivalents (third year or higher). Financial need must be considered, academic merit will also be considered. Graduate students will be eligible for the award if there are no suitable undergraduate candidates.
Application required: Yes.
Citizenship: Domestic.
Awarded to full or part-time students on the recommendation of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations for the best essay in an aspect of Hebrew Syntax with an A average.
Application required: No.
Citizenship: Domestic; International.
Awarded to an outstanding student (full or part-time) who has completed Introductory Biblical Hebrew (currently NML250Y1).
Application required: No.
Citizenship: Domestic; International.