Amir Harrak

Professor of Aramaic and Syriac
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Room 314, Toronto, ON, M5S 1C1


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

  • Syriac chronography and epigraphy
  • Syriac art and architecture
  • Middle Eastern Christianity, including Coptic and Armenian
  • Old and Biblical Aramaic epigraphy and texts
  • Relations between Syriac Christianity and Islam



Amir Harrak has a diploma in Classical Philosophy and another in Theology from the Syro-Chaldean Dominican Seminary in Iraq (1973), licence degree in Semitic Philology and another in Archaeology and Art History from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium (1980), and MA and PhD in Assyriology and Aramaic Studies from the University of Toronto (1987). His teaching covers Biblical Aramaic, Aramaic Epigraphy, Syriac historical and Exegetical texts, in addition to Middle Eastern Christianity, and Christian literature from the Middle East. He has many publications pertaining to Syriac chronography, Syriac legal literature, history of Syriac Christianity, and Syriac epigraphy. His current projects include a Guide to the Aramaic of Ezra and Daniel and art and architecture of churches of Iraq.


PhD, University of Toronto
