History, Space and Social Conflict in Beirut; The Quarter of Zokak el-Blat

German Orient Institute, Beirut

The anthology in concern contains seven detailed contributions all analyzing Beirut’s alteration and transformation over a long period of time, using the example of the quarter Zokak el-Blat. By using an interdisciplinary approach a group of geographers, urban planners, architects, social anthropologists, Islamic scientists, historians and several more, reconstruct the history of Zokak el- through varying perspectives. Hereby this volume documents not only social, historical and urban dimension of development, but also a broad inventory of the architectonical changes, leading up to the question of the contemporary and future constitution of this historically significant quarter of Beirut. Equipped with numerous maps and photographs this book enriches the understanding and knowledge of Lebanon and Beirut and its social and architectural change.


  • Hans Gebhardt
  • Dorothée Sack
  • Ralph Bodenstein
  • Andreas Fritz
  • Bernhard Hillenkamp
  • Oliver Kögler
  • Anne Mollenhauer
  • Friederike Stolleis

Publication Type

