Misconstrued Mitzvot: The Menstruant Levirate Wife

Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen

Summary of the book

The Babylonian Talmud is an enormous composition, consisting of over 40 tractates, some of them several hundred pages long. This series intends to produce a commentary volume on each of these tractates, as well as a commentary on the mishnaic tractates that do not have a Babylonian exegesis to them.

In each volume a scholar of rabbinic Judaism will engage all the texts she or he perceives as relevant to the issue of women and gender, and will also produce an overall introduction to the tractate, outlining its gender conception. The exegetical approach to the text will be varied – theological, philosophical, philological, literary or historical, depending on the commentator’s preferences. This project is an international endeavour. Individual tractates will be commented upon by distinguished scholars, coming from different countries and institutions.

Each will be published in a separate volume.



  • T. Ilan

Publication Type

Book Name

A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud: Introduction and Studies

